Quarter Pony
18 years old
Blue Roan
rides-Hunter Undersaddle/crossrails(shes terrified of bigger jumps because she fell over one)
Bella has been a western reining horse,a working hunter, dressage pony, 4-H Project, a broodmare, and is now a hunter undersaddle.Shes the cutest pony in the world and the sweetest too. Her birthday is June 24th=] My favorite thing about her is her personality she acts like a princess. She prances around in her paddock and thinks shes too good for lunging and whens theres other horses on she puts her gameface on a acts fancy and cute when other horses arent around shes abit bratty and lazy but i love her anyways=]

I just wish she d put her mind back to jumping she used to be an AQHA Hunter Champion until someone foolishly jumped her higher then she could handle at the time but being an honest horse she tried to jump it and fell so everytime she sees a jump she thinks of that one fall
After the fall her previous owner gave up on her and left her in a stall the whole winter and was used for demonstrations to 4-H kids just being a happy pony then i met her
i met her wen she was 13 and bought her at 15 now shes 17 as of June 24th and still going strong she looks a feels like an 8 year old
Shes slowly coming back to jumping between me and my friend Jacqie.
The best part about Bella
Is that she has it all
~Brains AND Beauty~
And when her and her rider connect there an Amazing Duo
More Pics of Bella
The good riders make her look easy to ride but trust me they have to work at it shes not a push button like ud think